
Moneta Divina
I'm proud to present my latest bitcoin art collection, "Moneta Divina".   Three animated bitcoin artworks Each of the three artworks uses a steampunk visual style reminiscent of 'Sound Money Stronghold' and focuses on issues with the dollar-based fiat money system, presenting bitcoin as the solution to...
Novus Moneta Seclorum
I'm proud to present my latest bitcoin art collection, 'Novus Moneta Seclorum'. The NFT collection drops TODAY, Monday Nov 9th at 7PM ET on Follow on twitter for more updates. Novus Moneta Seclorum is a wordplay on the latin...
AudioVisual Bitcoin Art: September 3rd Drop on Nifty Gateway
AudioVisual Bitcoin Art I'm pleased to announce that my AudioVisual Bitcoin Art Collection, a milestone release for my art career, is finally complete and ready for release!  AudioVisual Bitcoin Art Collection (Teaser Preview) from Lucho Poletti on Vimeo. For the...