Currency of Resistance - Bitcoin for Argentina

Currency of Resistance - Bitcoin for Argentina

This art piece is based on Argentina's 100 Peso bank note, featuring Eva Peron's image.

Argentina's national currency has a long track record of rampant inflation due to corrupt government leaders, unsustainable debt, and poor fiscal policy.

The primary message of this image, my propaganda if you will, is that Bitcoin is a currency which is resistant to both inflation and corruption. Bitcoin currency independent to inflation and corruption

It's independent of financial institutions and governments. And the reason why this is important is because the problem with conventional currency is all the trust that is required to make it work.

More recently, the Argentine government has received bailouts from the IMF to keep the government afloat. Bitcoin eliminates the need for central banks, IMF bailouts, and control by corrupt leaders.Bitcoin eliminates the need for central banks, IMF bailouts, and control by corrupt leaders.

The official statistics are also distorted egregiously to keep the public in the dark about the true state of the economy. The central bank of Argentina has raised interest rates to record levels in an attempt to keep things under control. 

The people of Argentina don't need a currency saddled with unsustainable debt, being constantly devalued by runaway inflation and ridiculous interest rates, lining the pockets of lenders.

The people of Argentina don't need corrupt government leaders controlling the destiny of their purchasing power and lying to them. They need a sound money, resistant to inflation and corruption. They need Bitcoin.

Framed prints of this image can be found here.

Posters of this image can be found here.

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